Health Tips

 The real reason to gain weight when you starve in the morning

Eat even a spoonful!' Leaving behind the story of my mother, I would miss the morning of course when I repeat my journey. There are many cases that I do not eat breakfast these days because of the excuse of being busy or thinking of going on a diet. You can lose a lot if you starve breakfast with the intention of eating less to keep you slim and young. Let's take a look at the shocking story that starving in the morning can lead to obesity and disease.

01. Increased obesity

According to a paper published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2003, a one-year observation of 499 people revealed that people who hunger for breakfast were four to five times more likely to become obese than those who eat breakfast. It is also said that there is a high risk of obesity when eating out for breakfast and dinner.

02. Increased risk of outbreaks of adult diseases

People who eat breakfast are said to have a low level of obesity and a high blood sugar level, but those who eat breakfast are more likely to develop obesity, adult diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. This is because if you starve in the morning, you overeat and binge eat at lunch to fill your hungry stomach. This makes it easier to become obese and increases the chances of developing adult diseases.

03. Increased fatigue (I get tired easily.)

According to the 2009 International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, eating a diet rich in fiber and carbohydrates in the morning results in less fatigue throughout the day. In other words, it was revealed that starving in the morning easily leads to fatigue and increases fatigue.

04. Cholesterol level rise

According to a paper published in the US Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a daily average of 100 kcal more is consumed as a result of checking the caloric intake of people who do not eat and who eat breakfast. This leads to higher cholesterol levels.

05. Increased risk of malnutrition

People who eat breakfast often eat more'fat' than those who eat breakfast. On the other hand, eating less calcium, potassium, and fiber increases your risk of exposure to malnutrition.

06. Decline in memory

Memory is very important in life. There is a proportional relationship between eating breakfast and memory. People who starve breakfast have lower short-term memory than those who eat breakfast. In particular, adolescents may experience poor academic performance due to decreased short-term memory. Eating breakfast stimulates brain activity, increasing your ability to solve new tasks compared to people who are starving.
